Edible Flowers You Can Find In Your Garden

edible flowers

When we think about foods for
Spring, we often just think about the root, leaf, or stalk of the food. But
there’s a lot of nutritional and medicinal value being overlooked in many
varieties of edible flowers. Some flowers can be eaten, others can be mixed
in with the herb they are attached to, and then there are others that work
better as a tea or tonic.

This expands the argument for organic gardening. When you raise
your garden using GMO free, heritage, or heirloom seeds, and free from
chemical pesticides, you open up a whole new benefit from your typical flower
garden. Not only can you enjoy looking at your garden, but you can enjoy
eating and getting some nutrition form your flowers as well. Here is a list
of some edible flowers that you may not be aware are perfectly safe to eat,
along with some of their nutritional qualities.

Nutritious Edible
Flowers Sitting Right Under Your Nose


Where I live in Southern California, nasturtiums grow wild and
sometimes occupy entire hillsides. Although foraging for wild edible flowers
can seem exciting, it’s best to only forage from private yards or remote
areas where you know for sure the flowers haven’t been contaminated by
pesticides, car Read More

5 Delicious, Bioavailable Uses for Turmeric


Turmeric is one of the latest
whole food “wonder-ingredients” trending in the media. You have
probably read or heard about medicinal and therapeutic uses for turmeric. If
you do a little research you will find a plethora of articles and videos
touting turmeric’s health benefits. According to this blog
written by Dr. Josh Axe, turmeric can provide many health
benefits, and based on research, might even outperform some common medical
procedures and medications.

You can do some easy research to decide if turmeric  is
something you would like to add to your personal wellness protocol.
If you do, you will need to figure out how to get it into your
daily, or at least weekly routine. The easiest way would be to find a high
quality turmeric supplement. But incorporating dried turmeric root and even
fresh turmeric root into your diet can be not only easy but a fun culinary
adventure. I put together 5 delicious and practical culinary uses for
turmeric that you can start incorporating into your healthy

Before you start using turmeric in your kitchen, there is a
caveat. You want to make sure you take Read More

Why Dieting Sucks- Some Nutrition Coaching Insights

why dieting sucks

Yes, dieting sucks for most
people. And that is a serious problem. Why? Because we all need a diet in
order to live, thrive, heal and reach our best health and wellness potential.
Wait, did I just say everyone needs to be on a diet? Well, in a sense, yes!
The Miriam
Webster definition
of the word
diet is “1 : food and
drink regularly provided or consumed. 2 : habitual nourishment.” In
other words, dieting is simply our preferred manner of eating. But when we
typically think of “dieting,” we only think of a short term,
fragmented fix to try and change something we don’t like about our bodies. This
leads to an underwhelming experience or ultimate failure for most people who

Dieting sucks
because you may be missing key points and going about it all

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Romanesco Cauliflower Instant Pot Soup

An Instant Pot soup can be a great solution for busy work-day meals. When I go grocery shopping I typically load my cart with lots of different colored vegetables and fruit, not always knowing what the plan is! This week a head of beautiful romanesco cauliflower made it’s way into the mix. Thanks to my Instant Pot, I was able to throw together a really nice, clean soup with some nutritional complexity. You can make this soup in easily under 30 minutes, maybe even 20 minutes!

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Does the Paleo Diet Work? An Objective Review


Occasionally someone will ask
me, “Does the Paleo diet work?” And my answer is usually the same
answer I give to any question of this nature: It depends on the person and
the way the diet is implemented.  I have several clients whose current
approach to eating appears to come very close to what would be considered a
Paleo or Paleo-type diet. So, I decided to try the diet out for myself, for a
trial run, and share a review of my experience.

What Exactly Is the
Paleo diet?

I guess there are two answers to that question. There is the
concept of the diet, where you basically match your eating habits to that of
someone who would have lived in Paleolithic times. Then, there is the diet
itself from a nutrition science point of view.

Eat like a Paleolithic person? Like, chomp down on big wooly
mammoth legs wearing a leopard skin Read More

Avocado & Pear Salad with Basil Lime Dressing

I love it when a random
“grab two things and see what happens” move in the kitchen turns
out to be so yummy. This avocado & pear salad is an extremely easy
recipe that mixes pears with avocados, and finishes it off with some fresh
lime and basil. Add this to your list of simple raw fruit and vegetable
go-to’s. It’s perfectly refreshing for hot summer days. Enjoy!
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Vegan Protein Sources To Eat By


Vegan diets are becoming more and more popular lately. People are learning, understanding, and choosing to
eat less animal based foods, both for the health of their bodies, and the
planet. But there are common questions and concerns that a vegan diet may not
provide enough complete protein. Those who work out regularly may be
concerned about getting enough vegan protein sources to keep up with the muscle building
and recovery that comes with rigorous exercise. And, many of us are just
stuck in the mindset that we must consume meat and dairy in order to get
enough protein. The fact is that animal products aren’t the only source of quality protein. Read More

Phytonutrient Rich Foods – Using Colors to Guide You

Phytonutrient-rich foods are an important part of any diet. So how do you know you are getting a variety of phytonutrients? Well, if you have ever heard someone use the term, “eat all the colors of the rainbow,” that pretty much sums it up. No, that statement is not just some “hippy wu wu” vegetarian thing to say. It actually has some scientific, evidence based substance behind it. You can take the “eat the rainbow” approach and that

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Why Diets Don’t Work- 5 Possible Reasons

Are you contemplating a diet, or currently dieting? Or, have you tried several diets only to find yourself back to your old unhealthy or overweight self after a couple months? Do you ever start to wonder why diets don’t work? There is a statistic flying around that 95% of all diets fail. I honestly had to search, a lot, to try to find the origin of this statistic. I could only find one article, The 95% Myth, that referenced a 40 year old study of just 100 participants. What I did find, however, is an overwhelming consensus

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