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Category: vegan

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Nutrition for Heart Health- Keeping it Practical

Nutrition for Heart Health- Keeping it Practical

You have a very loyal friend that you may be taking for granted. This friend works tirelessly for you, 24/7, never stopping to take a break, in order to make sure your body has everything it needs to be healthy and happy. This friend is your heart! The heart, our body's powerhouse, tirelessly pumps blood, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen...

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Sleep Hygiene for Optimal Health & Fitness

Sleep Hygiene for Optimal Health & Fitness

If I told you that there is one important habit that if focused on, would automatically make all your other health and fitness disciplines work more easily, would you consider trying it? Of course there are no absolutes when it comes to nutrition and wellness science. But based on observation helping clients in nutrition and health coaching,...

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Garlic Stuffed Roasted Artichoke

Garlic Stuffed Roasted Artichoke

I love the artichoke roots that have taken hold in my food garden! Every year, a glorious new artichoke plant pops out and produces delicious artichokes right on schedule. They have become one of the highlights of spring in at our house. Artichoke roots go dormant in late summer early fall, but then wake up in early winter to start producing the...

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Huevos Con Nopalitos

Huevos Con Nopalitos

Whatever you call it, that ubiquitous cactus that is probably hanging out in more back yards than many of us realize, is packed with superfood nutrition. The leaf or "pad" of the nopale is believed to support many aspects of health and well being such as weight loss, blood purification, maintaining blood sugar balance, and more. My personal...

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Bumper Crop Salad with Magenta Spreen & Pomegranate Vinaigrette

Bumper Crop Salad with Magenta Spreen & Pomegranate Vinaigrette

Did you get an awesome bumper crop of tomatoes this year? Did you go crazy at the Farmers Market and buy too many different, fabulous seasonal foods? Don't worry! This recipe is like the best "kitchen sink" concoction you will ever sink your teeth into. Who knew that plums, tomatoes and cucumbers would love hanging out in a salad together? bumper...

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Perfect Portion & Eating Guide

Eat just the right amount of food at every meal,  without following a diet,  using a tracking app or counting calories.

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Recipe club members enjoy a monthly recipe booklet in both omnivore and plant based editions, filled with 15 healthy, whole-food recipes to support your healthy journey. 

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Meanwhile, you’re more than welcome to reach out to me and Ask Me Anything so you can start living a healthier life today!

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