Roasted Zucchini with “Creamy” Mushroom Stuffing

I think at least a few of my
friends are scratching their heads at my new obsession with vegan cooking.
Here is the truth; it isn’t exactly the vegan I am obsessed about, but more
just having an in-depth go at figuring out how much essential nutrition I can
get from a vegan meal; the kind of nutrition that one would normally think
can only be obtained from an animal. And then there is another fascination
that comes with vegan cooking- to see where you can find the essential
“comfort” ingredients. That brings me to my current dating spree
with nuts, especially the rich, oily ones.  I am about a recipe away
from being convinced that nuts take the healthy lead in providing the comfort
essentials we all love and our tastebuds count on. Move over butter, cheese,
and cream, because I just made an entrée that takes the “comfort”
of creamy mushroom ravioli filling, and turns it on its gluten free, dairy
free, vegan ear. Read More

Cashew Cream of Turmeric Cauliflower Soup

Sometimes, when I see whole
turmeric root at the market, I like to grab a handful to see what I can
create with it, and this Cashew Cream of Turmeric Cauliflower Soup is my
latest turmeric root adventure! Be sure to use a Vitamix or other high powered
blender to get the most awesome taste explosion and creamy texture ever!
You’ll want to keep this recipe handy for cold nights in front of the
fireplace. Read More

“Creamy” Cauliflower Soup with Truffle Tomato Salsa

Nothing completes a crisp autumn
or rainy day like a bowl of creamy soup. I am pretty sure that there isn’t a
person out there who doesn’t have a nostalgic attachment to a “cream of
something” soup from their past or childhood. Well I have some good news
about that! You can keep your creamy, comforting stroll down memory lane
while also avoiding the bad and promoting awesome, clean nutrition. This soup
is very easy to make and is also great as a cold vichyssoise style
soup if you have leftovers. The salsa is a tangy compliment that offers extra
rich flavor in the truffle oil, but also completely optional.
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Rustic Mashed & Kale Timbale with Portobello Mushroom “Steak”

When I was a caterer and more
into the conventional way of cooking, I used to love serving sliced filet
mignon on top of cylindrical shaped mashed potatoes. I would call it a mashed
potato “timbale,” at the time. Now, I have come up with a
completely vegan and far more nutritious version of the same. This could be
the vegan entrée that finally conquers over the “roast beast” at
your Christmas dinner table. The kale is put in at the end so it retains its
raw, live nutritional value. Although it isn’t in the recipe, you can finish
this off with a ladle full of some vegetable stock reduction or mushroom
featured earlier this month.

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