Saffron Riced Cauliflower

The other day I picked up a bag
of “riced cauliflower” at the market, for the first time. I have
been playing around with it, both hot and as a raw salad, with delightful
results. In fact, the other day I posted a candid quickie of a raw riced
cauliflower salad I had created for lunch, that invoked such a positive
response in the social media world, I have decided to do two “riced
cauliflower” recipes in a row on here. First though, I want to share
this extremely simple recipe that brings saffron into the picture. The
cruciferous personality of cauliflower, both in taste and smell, seems to
blend extremely well with the distinctive flavor and aroma of saffron. I
enjoyed this with some seared wild tuna but you could easily add in some
legumes, sprouts, and-or vegetables for a vegan entree.

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“Creamy” Cauliflower Soup with Truffle Tomato Salsa

Nothing completes a crisp autumn
or rainy day like a bowl of creamy soup. I am pretty sure that there isn’t a
person out there who doesn’t have a nostalgic attachment to a “cream of
something” soup from their past or childhood. Well I have some good news
about that! You can keep your creamy, comforting stroll down memory lane
while also avoiding the bad and promoting awesome, clean nutrition. This soup
is very easy to make and is also great as a cold vichyssoise style
soup if you have leftovers. The salsa is a tangy compliment that offers extra
rich flavor in the truffle oil, but also completely optional.
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Cauliflower Bhaji with Spinach

you ever heard of cauliflower bhaji? Sometimes weekdays can be tricky for
preparing fresh whole food dinners. This probably isn’t news to most readers.
But then, sometimes, those rushed days, when all you have are some bits and
pieces of vegetables and random bags of beans and grains, end up producing
the most memorable dinners. This cauliflower bhaji with spinach is a perfect
example. It is extremely simple to make and it tastes great!
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Cauliflower Diablo Tacos with Mango Slaw

hard to overlook cauliflower’s recent rise to food fame. It seems like
everyone is going bananas for this cruciferous, that until now has endured a
long reputation as a pretty boring vegetable. It’s because cauliflower is
undeniably and extremely good for you, and therefore, more and more people
are looking at ways to bring cauliflower to the forefront of their dinner
plates. But what happens when you just want a good old taco? Can
cauliflower hold up to carne asada, carnitas, or shrimp? Well, I gave it a
whirl last night and it came out pretty yummy. Check out this vegan spin-off
of the Baja style shrimp taco and decide for yourself.
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