Indian Spiced Black Eyed Pea Hummus

Now that the heavy-hitting holidays are officially over, it’s nice to lighten things up a bit. This recipe gives consideration to the New Year’s tradition that originated in the south, of eating black-eyed peas for prosperity in the New Year. But this offers more versatility. Enjoy this hummus on a sandwich, a top a cracker as an hors d’oeuvre, or even as a dip with raw vegetables, in the event you have already decided to take on a post-New Year’s detox or weight-loss program. I enjoyed it on some leftover sourdough bread crostini along side a baby green salad.

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Mediterranean Style Romanesco Cauliflower Tacos

Sometimes I just want my taco to
look a little more dazzling. And Romanesco cauliflower definitely does the
trick when it comes to dazzling a plate. These tacos are actually not much of
a taco, being that they contain mostly Mediterranean flavors and components.
But even though, the tortilla, albeit made of potatoes, is still a tortilla!
So I’m calling them tacos anyway. Now that we got that out of the way, enjoy
making this super simple, vegan, recipe!

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Sweet Potato Hummus

If you are looking to break out
of the old school of holiday-friendly dips, especially where your health is
concerned, but you want to hang on to some characteristics that appeal to the
autumn and winter senses, consider giving this dish a try. It works well as a
dip, a spread, or a topping for a holiday canapé. I have even just enjoyed it
fresh and still warm, folded into a pita or tortilla with fresh crisp greens,
cucumber, and tzadziki. Actually, any time of the year, this twist on hummus
punches lots of nutrition, and can fill you up fairly easily with the right
kinds of calories. Read More