Mediterranean Style Romanesco Cauliflower Tacos

Sometimes I just want my taco to
look a little more dazzling. And Romanesco cauliflower definitely does the
trick when it comes to dazzling a plate. These tacos are actually not much of
a taco, being that they contain mostly Mediterranean flavors and components.
But even though, the tortilla, albeit made of potatoes, is still a tortilla!
So I’m calling them tacos anyway. Now that we got that out of the way, enjoy
making this super simple, vegan, recipe!

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Brussels Sprouts with Hempseed & Lemon Zest

Brussels sprouts, you either
love them, or you hate them. I have both prepared, and eaten Brussels sprouts
many different ways: steamed, sautéed, braised in oatmeal stout, grated raw
in salads; some preparations good, some not so good. So who knew that the
quick and easy, clean and vegan preparation would turn out to be so
delightful? Well, not me, but now I am sold. This dish provides the
devout vegan with essential B12 from the nooch, essential fats, and a
complete amino acid protein profile from the hempseed. But don’t let the word
“vegan” put you off. This is absolutely delicious, light, and
satiating and can be enjoyed on just about any diet or lack

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