Stuffed Ronde De Nice Squash with Tuscan Kale & Cannellini Bean Salad

Each year I like to try a
different kind of squash in the food garden. And I am extremely pleased that
ronde de nice squash made its way onto my list this year! It has the
consistency of a summer squash like zucchini, yet it is hearty, with a soft
center and tender seeds that can be eaten, similar to a winter squash. And
it’s spherical shape lends itself to awesome stuffing potential! So it’s
extremely versatile. This healthy vegan recipe for stuffed ronde de nice
squash is a great summertime meal, as a warm-ish dinner entree or cold salad,
or even at brunch. Read More

Oil Free Red Lentil Pasta Salad T.B.G.A.

I am enjoying the new red lentil
pasta varieties that have been popping up at the store. If you are going to
have pasta, these are a good way to go, with just lentils, quinoa and water
as ingredients, and packed with protein and other nutrients.

This recipe is a cold salad twist on linguine with tomato,
basil & garlic. And it takes the nutrition density even a step
further by eliminating the refined oil and instead getting it from whole
foods like avocado. You can add other veggies to the asparagus or eliminate
the asparagus for a more traditional version of a tomato, basil, garlic
“TBG” pasta salad.

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