Linguine with Cashew Cheese Sauce, Sage, Butternut Squash & Peas

This month my kid got married,
and we got our first real feeling of autumn outside. My
son’s wedding plays a part in today’s post. I decided to prepare the food for
the wedding, and give it a personalized touch for the special occasion. The
bride and groom wanted a vegan menu, with vegan macaroni and cheese being
their favorite. The cashew cheese sauce for the mac and cheese came out so
yummy I have been thinking about it all week.

Then, it dawned on me that this sauce with a couple modifications
could make a great autumn pasta with butternut squash, sage and peas. And,
that’s how my first post of autumn came about! This sauce is easy to make,
packed with plant based protein and healthy fats. The crispy sage garnish
makes a nice garnish and crunchy finish to this comforting, cool weather

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Spaghetti Squash with Crispy Sage & Garlic

Greetings! I know it’s been a
while since the last post. To be honest, my creativity took a brief leave of
absence. I also became fixated on creating the perfect homemade vegan ice
cream, that also stores well. That sort of consumed me for a few weeks. No
ice cream recipe to post yet, and now it is becoming irrelevant, as summer is
going away. So, on to one of my favorite subjects: Quality kitchen time
during the fall season. Let’s kick it off with a very simple, and
surprisingly filling dish using just five key ingredients. Fresh sage, garlic
and winter squashes are good friends in my book. This recipe sort of takes
the traditional squash ravioli with sage, and sort of deconstructs it and
puts a yummy vegan spin on it. Don’t be afraid to ramp up the garlic and the
sage. Enjoy! Read More

13 Bean Soup with Garden Chard

The chard in the food garden is
making gigantic leaves right now. They are so big I am tempted to preserve
them and use them as shoe leather, or a hand fan, or something practical.
Since those wild ideas are probably ultimately not as practical as one would
hope, I opted to put together this 13 bean soup, and just enjoy the chard in
its glorious, minimally processed form. That’s actually my favorite way to
enjoy nutrient dense greens! My partner Ricky bought a bag of 13 bean soup
mix a while ago, and has been nudging me to make soup out of it. So here is
one more hearty soup to get into your belly before the seasons completely
change over. Or enjoy it all spring and summer using a variety of different
seasonal greens and fresh vegetables. The key is to put the greens in at the
end, so they are super fresh, vibrantly colored and retain as much of their
living nutrition as possible.

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