Spaghetti Squash with Crispy Sage & Garlic

Greetings! I know it’s been a
while since the last post. To be honest, my creativity took a brief leave of
absence. I also became fixated on creating the perfect homemade vegan ice
cream, that also stores well. That sort of consumed me for a few weeks. No
ice cream recipe to post yet, and now it is becoming irrelevant, as summer is
going away. So, on to one of my favorite subjects: Quality kitchen time
during the fall season. Let’s kick it off with a very simple, and
surprisingly filling dish using just five key ingredients. Fresh sage, garlic
and winter squashes are good friends in my book. This recipe sort of takes
the traditional squash ravioli with sage, and sort of deconstructs it and
puts a yummy vegan spin on it. Don’t be afraid to ramp up the garlic and the
sage. Enjoy! Read More