Brussels Sprouts with Hempseed & Lemon Zest

Brussels sprouts, you either
love them, or you hate them. I have both prepared, and eaten Brussels sprouts
many different ways: steamed, sautéed, braised in oatmeal stout, grated raw
in salads; some preparations good, some not so good. So who knew that the
quick and easy, clean and vegan preparation would turn out to be so
delightful? Well, not me, but now I am sold. This dish provides the
devout vegan with essential B12 from the nooch, essential fats, and a
complete amino acid protein profile from the hempseed. But don’t let the word
“vegan” put you off. This is absolutely delicious, light, and
satiating and can be enjoyed on just about any diet or lack

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Jaggery Caramelized Pineapple Upside Down Cake with Macadamia Cream

A while back I met Navaz Nooshin
of Welmor Enterprises. Navaz imports Sweet Wellness Organic
from India. She gave me a couple different
jaggery products to try and I am pleased to be sharing my discovery here with
you. Navaz is passionate about educating people on the health benefits of
Jaggery, which is basically a sugar cane product that has been around for
centuries. Jaggery is made from organic unrefined sugarcane juice. The
juice after extraction and removal of external impurities is slowly cooked on
a low flame until it reaches a soft pulpy caramel consistency. It hence
retains all the vitamins, minerals and fiber. In addition, all the
polyphenols and flavonoids are kept intact giving jaggery its medicinal
properties. And it is known for having ayurvedic benefits as well. So
for me, if you are going to have some sugar, why not get a minimally
processed and more nutritious version?

The consistency and color of jaggery may take some getting used
to. It does not grind down the same way refined sugars do. It is very moist,
and even the “powder” that I received from Navaz was more like
little moist morsels of sugary goodness. Navaz explains that the consistency
can vary, and that was just the condition of the jaggery I received. I didn’t
let anything about the consistency stop me from exploring this new sweet pal
in my kitchen. I have enjoyed it a lot in warm almond milk beverages, tried
using it in a mango chutney, and have sweetened a cup of tea or two, all with
some success. But I really wanted to bake something with it. After giving it
some time and keeping my imagination open, I found a terrific
role for the jaggery powder that couldn’t have been more perfect. In
this healthier version of a classic comfort cake, the jaggery contributes to
a perfect, caramelized pineapple topping, but with some added nutrition! I
look forward to exploring this healthy sweetener more and keeping you posted
along the way.

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