Vegan Protein Shake Hacks Without the Powder


Vegan protein shake formulas
are becoming very popular in the marketplace. Every time I look, I see
companies, who formerly stood firmly on their whey protein claims, quickly
introducing vegan protein products into their product line. This article is
not to sway you from using a protein powder, especially if you have one that
you love. Plant based protein powders are known for their nutrition
efficiency and digestibility. In my opinion it is a great way to get
convenient protein.

But what if you don’t have a good vegan protein shake mix on
hand? Or what if you are on a strict budget, or you simply aren’t ready
to dive into a month’s supply of supplement purchases? Or what if you are
just overwhelmed with all the information and options, and want to make sure
you are getting the right product for you? Well, that’s cool, because you can
still find plenty of high quality plant based protein in everyday food
ingredients, that can add a meal’s worth or more of complete, efficient
protein Read More

High Alkaline Foods For Everyday Diets


Alkalizing has become a well
known word in the nutrition world. If you do a little research, you will
soon discover that there are many different versions of theories as to why a
person might want to add more high alkaline foods to their diet. So what’s
the deal with alkalizing? Is it just another fad, or is there some good
science behind it?

If you want the simplified answer, here it is: Yes the
general consensus is that putting more high alkaline foods into your diet is
a good idea, if for no other reason than the fact that most high alkaline
foods are very nutritious and efficient for your body to digest and to use,
and generally free from any controversy of being allergenic, hard to digest,
or cause for any major health concerns.

But there is more to alkalizing than that. Having balanced
pH, a pH reading of 7.365, is essential Read More

Is Coconut Oil Good For You?


Okay, the coconut oil
debate has finally gotten under my skin. I think it was an article
that popped up a couple days ago, written by a “nutrition expert”
who was boldly defying any health concerns about coconut oil, and basically
claiming it to be a miracle cure-all for everything from hair growth to jock
itch. Anytime someone takes a hard nosed position like that it makes my
eyebrows raise up a bit. I think the article popped up on my Facebook news
feed, and today, I honestly couldn’t tell you who wrote it. But, it did
motivate me to see if I could get to the bottom of this question:
“Is coconut oil good for you?”

Food trends, especially health food trends, come and go with the
tide, but sometimes we can get caught in a virtual rip tide of
information. When this happens, it is hard to take the necessary time to
really get the information we need to make an informed decision about what is
best for our basic, whole food nutrition needs. It becomes almost impossible
for the average person to distinguish between product
, and nutrition facts. So, I
decided to break down the skinny on coconut oil and hopefully make it
easy to understand.

In summary, you could say that coconut oil provides
some health benefits, but at the end of the day, it is still 90%
saturated fat. We’ll get into the details of coconut oil’s fat make up in
this article. But suffice Read More

Health Benefits of Alcohol, A “Healthy” Perspective


The health benefits of
is a popular subject. News features, blogs, and
social media posts touting alcohol’s benefits are ubiquitous. Every time
I see a friend on Facebook sharing an article about how good red wine is for
you, it is all I can do to resist being the contrarian know-it-all and making
a comment.

In her groundbreaking book on alcohol addiction, This
Naked Mind
, author Annie Grace explains how writers need
readership. So they write about popular subjects. People want to read that
alcohol is good for them, so they read articles about that. That makes sense.
But if you look at the stats, something interesting is revealed. There are
only a handful of scholarly studies on the health benefits of alcohol, yet
there are many, many people reading articles on those studies. On the other
hand, there are many, many scholarly studies on the health risks of alcohol,
multiple times more than those on the benefits, but only a handful of people
want to read articles on those studies.

So I thought I would try something fun that everyone can read and
relate to. I found some common health claims in favor of alcohol consumption.
I am going to list them here. Read More

A Superfoods List for Your February Grocery Shopping


I love following seasonal foods.
And, I try to fit a seasonal food article into the mix before each season
passes. Being it February, there are plenty of nutritionally wealthy fresh
foods that you can add to your February superfoods list the next time you
head to the store.

The key to incorporating a good balance of superfoods into your
diet is not to go crazy buying tons of trendy seeds and exotic juices with
flashy packaging, but to learn how to tap into natures own virtual
nutrition “power plant.” Yes, that is a pun, to make the point that
there are dozens of nutritionally awesome plant based foods out there that
you might already be eating every day, or that are sitting right under your
nose at the market.

A Superfoods List of Some Easy To Find Winter

The word “superfood” is actually a marketing word, and
not really scientific at all when it comes to nutrition, as explained in this
. So why do I use the word? For one thing, to get you to read
this article. Ha! See I am even on the wagon. But seriously, I understand
what you are really looking for when you pay attention to the word
“superfood.” So, my goal is to teach you how to actually get all
those outstanding nutrients, instead of being taken for a ride by some food
manufacturer. The key is to shift your thinking from “I need a
specific product because it’s a superfood”
“I get plenty of super foods in my natural, delicious,
seasonal diet every day.”

The fact is, many of the most common fruits and vegetables
that we all grew up eating can be  Read More

How to Detox Your Body Every Day


Have you thought about doing a
detox but don’t know where to start? The word detox is flying around quite
loosely these days. People are talking about it a lot! The word
“detox” gets almost 30,000 internet searches a month! Many of us come
to think that “doing a detox” is some kind of big thing that we
have to endure for a week or a month. There are certainly many detox methods
out there that would require this kind of mindset. But what if I told you
that our bodies were already designed to be in a perpetual state of healthy
detox, and all you have to do is make some choices each day to support your
body to do what it was naturally designed to do? Sounds to good too be true,
right? It’s not! You and anyone can learn how to detox your body in your
everyday life just by employing these simple habits, principals, and

8 Tips on How to Detox Your Body Every

Read More

6 Must-Do Weekend Tasks to Eat Healthy All Week

Meal Planning Healthy Eating

Do you ever get home from work on a busy weekday, at 8:00 or even 9:00, and realize you haven’t planned
anything for dinner? I know that feeling, the “I don’t feel like making
dinner, let’s order pizza” feeling that we all experience from time to
time.  Let’s focus on some meal planning that involves healthy

You can do some basic things every weekend to insure this doesn’t
happen to you. Use some time on Saturday or Sunday to shop, prep, cook, and
enjoy a great sit-down dinner together with your friends or family — all the
while getting your fridge ready for the week. When you wake up Monday
morning, you will feel better about the week to come, and you will really
thank yourself when it comes time for dinner.

1) Plan the Exact Number of Meals Needed
You may not need to plan every meal. Some meals will come easily to you, some meals you may eat out, and some meals may be already prepared for you. So, it’s more efficient to only focus on meals that you usually struggle to get right, and put your time and effort into those. Figure out how many meals you will prepare at home, and then
plan them out. Meal planning doesn’t have to be complicated. Just thumb through
some favorite recipes, create a shopping list, and prepare ahead what you
can. Meal planning gives you an opportunity to control exactly what kind of
nutrition you will be getting in your meals, since you get to decide ahead of
time. Many recipes on line now have nutritional data, and even shopping
lists. Read More