Vegan Zucchini Lasagna Rolls with Herbed Almond Ricotta and Bruschetta Salsa

Who loves that nuanced taste of
ricotta cheese blended with herbs, tomatoes, and garlic? Who doesn’t
actually? This recipe for vegan zucchini lasagna rolls delivers on the nuance
while providing a more refreshing, more nutrient dense, clean version, that
highlights the awesome natural flavors found in some of our favorite herbs
and vegetables. These rolls are better suited for a lunch, brunch, or
appetizer, but you could also have them for dinner along with some cooked
grains, cannellini beans, and-or a green salad. Don’t let the small size fool
you. The almond ricotta in these makes them quite rich and energy dense, and
one can fill up on just a few. Get ready for a fantastic blend of fresh
flavors! Read More

Nutrition Trends to Watch For in 2018

My email inbox is constantly
exploding with nutrition information. Some of it is more focused on product
marketing, while other emails are from doctors, researchers, and experts
devoted to advancing the cause of clinical nutrition, holistic health, and
other preventative forms of wellness. There are usually some common
denominators in this information that allows us to connect the dots and those
connections usually show up as new emerging nutrition trends.

Here are some of the top nutrition trends I see taking front stage
this year:

Nutrition Trends Coming This Year in

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5 Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes from My Whole Dish Recipes

A Healthy Variety of Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes

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Did you know that I have been blogging about healthful, clean whole foods
since long before I became a nutritionist? All these plant based Thanksgiving
recipes are original, whipped up in my kitchen and quickly photographed with
my iPhone. The idea is, if I can’t devise the recipe pretty easily, make it
taste great and produce a good image, it doesn’t get published. The hopeful
result is a great collection of fairly simple recipes that you can count on
to be super nutritious, clean, and beneficial to your body in the ways nature

Here are some that I’d love for you to try at your Thanksgiving
table this year. If you are trying to keep your Thanksgiving healthier, and
even plant based, think about switching out the processed Tofurkey and making
whole vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and grains the star of the
table! Read More

Fig & Shiitake Bacon Bites

Here is a fun and extremely easy
variation on the bacon-wrapped fig. Actually, I wanted to see if I could
wrap a fig in a shiitake bacon, but the bacon pieces aren’t quite big or
flexible enough. Next time I will try making a portobello bacon. In the
meantime, this is what I ended up with, and to my delight, it came out
very tasty. Try this as a snack, or a vegan and Paleo-friendly summer hors
d’oeuvre, if you go with the vegan cheese, or I would imagine that
goat cheese would be equally amazing. You can google shiitake bacon
recipes and experiment, or just use the one I came up with here. Making
shiitake bacon is much easier than it sounds if you use this quick

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Stuffed Ronde De Nice Squash with Tuscan Kale & Cannellini Bean Salad

Each year I like to try a
different kind of squash in the food garden. And I am extremely pleased that
ronde de nice squash made its way onto my list this year! It has the
consistency of a summer squash like zucchini, yet it is hearty, with a soft
center and tender seeds that can be eaten, similar to a winter squash. And
it’s spherical shape lends itself to awesome stuffing potential! So it’s
extremely versatile. This healthy vegan recipe for stuffed ronde de nice
squash is a great summertime meal, as a warm-ish dinner entree or cold salad,
or even at brunch. Read More

Chia Infused Zucchini Black Bean Burgers

Whenever I encourage my clients
to eat more plant based foods, the most popular response is, “but what
about the protein?” That’s where awesomely magical ingredients like chia
seeds come in handy. Nature’s miraculous formula of essential fatty acids,
protein, and fiber give chia seeds the unique ability to act like a binder
similar to an egg, helping to hold these burgers together, while also provide
a complete protein, in addition to the protein found in the beans and the
zucchini. When a plant provides a complete protein, it means it delivers all
the essential amino acids that your body can’t produce and therefore need to
be consumed in meals. So, whip up a batch of these babies and take them on
your next summer picnic! Read More

Spaghetti with Calabrese Broccoli, Green Garlic & Nasturtium Blossoms

We all know broccoli is good for
us. But one has to admit that the same “commercial” broccoli that
we are relentlessly exposed to can get a little tiring. That is why I always
get a little excited whenever I see less ubiquitous varieties of broccoli at
the market. The particular calabrese in this recipe was small and tender,
making it a great, quickly seared pasta stir fry. In retrospect, I wish I had
taken a photo of it at the market, but the finished dish gives you a good
sense of the anatomy of this broccoli. The green garlic adds a spring
time garlic kick, and the nasturtium adds a slight peppery essence, for an
uncomplicated, light springtime meal. By the way, if you are wondering where
to find nasturtiums, they grow like crazy everywhere, so just tap into your
“inner hunter-gatherer” and you should be okay. You might even have
some growing in your own yard! Read More

Vegan Hazelnut Pesto with Mango & Avocado Slices

Basil, basil, and more basil!
When a basil plant decides to take hold it really pumps it out. So, I
schedule a few minutes each day to go out and cut the flowering basil tops,
to keep the plant going all summer long. Which winds me up with a lot of
extra basil hanging around the kitchen. Here is a great
sweet-meets-savory idea for a lazy afternoon salad, with vegan hazelnut pesto
as the star of the show. You can also do a non vegan version of this by using
parmesan or another hard aged cheese in place of the nutritional yeast.
Enjoy! Read More

Riced Cauliflower with Porcini Mushrooms, Fennel & Peas

I know you are probably thinking
that I post too many things with mushrooms, and you are right! But when I
glanced at my bag of dried porcini mushrooms the other day, I couldn’t help
thinking how great they would be as a rich, flavorful foundation for riced
cauliflower! This recipe for riced cauliflower with porcini mushrooms, fennel
& peas makes a nice springtime side dish or vegan entree. Porcini
mushrooms have a natural, rich, gamey flavor and the higher quality ones give
off a roux when cooked, that naturally adds some thickness to the dish.
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Vegan Swiss Chard Enchiladas with Quinoa, Black Beans & Epazote

We have this gigantic Swiss
chard “bush,” seriously taking hold in the food garden. The leaves
kept beckoning me to wrap them up with something. So, here’s an idea for
gluten-free and cornmeal-free Swiss chard enchiladas that came out pretty
yummy! The fresh epazote adds a nice, earthy, Oaxacan nuance, but you can
substitute something like fresh thyme and still get a great fresh herbal
infusion. Epazote is really easy to grow but not so easy to find at the
market. Feel free to play around with non-vegan variations using queso
fresco, organic chicken, and-or ground meat. Enjoy!
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